Sewer Inspection and Condition Assessment on Catford Road from Council Crescent to Derrydown Road

Contract: 16TW-OS-20CWDStart Date: February 13, 2017End Date: March 10, 2017*Duration of work is subject to change due to unforeseen events.The City of Toronto will be conducting a condition assessment and inspection of the sewer system onCatford Road, from Council Crescent to Derrydown Road on the dates specified above. This project,which is part of the Council-approved 2016 Capital Works Program, will help improve local sewercollection system.Inspection Work DetailsJanuary 30, 2017The inspection of the sewer system will involve sending a closed circuit TV (CCTV) camera into the sewerpipes to take images of different pipe segments. In order to CCTV inspect the sewers, it is necessary tofirst flush the sewers with high pressure water and remove debris using vacuum trucks. For each segmentof sewer, the work should take up to 10 hours depending on the length of the sewer pipe being inspected.Dates may change slightly contingent on weather and other conditions.Sewer Inspection and Condition Assessment on CatfordRoad from Council Crescent to Derrydown RoadThe City of Toronto will be conducting a condition assessment and inspection of the sewer system onCatford Road, from Council Crescent to Derrydown Road on the dates specified above. This project,which is part of the Council-approved 2016 Capital Works Program, will help improve local sewercollection system.Thank you for your patience. Building a great city takes time.Better infrastructure for all of us is worth the wait.What to Expect During InspectionDuring inspection work hours, there will be some temporary inconveniences to the local community. Youmay experience noise caused by the flushing and the removal of debris from the sewer pipes by vacuumtrucks. Once the flushing and clearance of the sewers is complete, the CCTV inspection work is notexpected to cause any noise impacts. The City will make efforts to reduce the impacts. Your patience isappreciated.sewer expectIf you need more information about the upcoming work, please call my office at 416-338-5335

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