City Update: CampTO Program Being Developed

City Update: CampTO Program Being Developed The City of Toronto is cancelling all planned 2020 summer camps and preparing an alternative plan to get children back to camp through the new CampTO program. Registration details will be announced as soon as the Province is able to safely remove restrictions on day camps, and once the appropriate recommendations are provided from Toronto Public Health. Staff need to prepare facilities, organize registration and train everyone in order to accommodate this year's program modifications. If permitted to operate, CampTO will provide 5,300 camp spaces per week for children ages 6 to 12. Summer camps provide children and youth with important opportunities for social interaction, as well as necessary childcare for parents and caregivers. City summer camps also provide employment opportunities for many young people across Toronto.  CampTO will give children a high-quality camp experience that incorporates public health measures designed to reduce the risk of virus spread, including physical distancing, smaller group sizes, daily health assessments and more extensive cleaning.  The City’s current summer camps were scheduled to run at 197 locations from June 29 to September 7. Approximately 68,000 participants had registered this year for City summer camps.  The City is issuing refunds automatically to all current camp registrants. As there is a significant volume of cancellations and refunds to be processed, registrants should expect a wait time for reimbursement of up to four weeks. While registrants do not need to request a refund, they can contact [email protected] with questions or concerns.  For more information, please click here to visit the City of Toronto's website. 

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