Town Hall Meeting @ York Woods Library Theatre

Toronto’s Mayor and his administration have proposed a budget that includes cuts to our libraries, community centres and daycare, new and increased user fees for cityservices and programs, TTC service cuts and a TTC fare increase, and higher property taxes.I believe that many of these changes will hurt our community and I want to hear from you.These important issues will be debated at City Hall at Toronto’s Budget Committee meeting and the Mayor’s Executive Committ�ee meeting in the second week of January.If you would like to a�end one of these meetings to make a deputation, please contact my o�ffice at 416-338-5335 or [email protected] for more information.If you are unable to a�end our town hall meeting but would like to share your views with me, please e-mail at the above address.I hope to see you at our important meeting on January 5, at 7pm.Best wishes to you and your family in the new year,Anthony PerruzzaCity of Toronto CouncillorYork West - Ward 8Date: Th�ursday, January 5, 2012 at 7:00 pmLocation: York Woods Library �eatre (1785 Finch Avenue West)

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