Property Tax & Water Relief Clinic for Seniors & People with Disabilities

John Booth Arena (Room 2), 230 Gosford Boulevard

This program is designed to give relief to seniors and people with disabilities that own their homes. Below are the rules to apply, but call us at (416) 338-5335 with any questions.Bring the following documents for each owner and each spouse of an owner:-2011 or 2012 Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment-Driver’s License or Birth Certi­ficate (for proof of age if ­first time applying)-Old Age Security T4A-OAS, Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), and/or Spousal Allowance T4A (if applicable)-If you have a disability but are not a senior bring a copy of your disability benefi­t income such as ODSP, Canada Pension Plan, WSIB, etc.To apply you must be a senior and/or person with a disability and have a household income of $50,000 or less for the water rebate program and a household income of $36,000 or less for the property tax rebate.Wednesday, July 25 from 3:00 - 6:00 pmJohn Booth Arena (Room 2)230 Gosford Boulevard

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