Black Creek Pioneer Village,1000 Murray Ross Parkway(East of Jane Street, off Steeles Avenue)
Environment Day - Ward 8
Join your neighbours for our yearly Ward 8 Environment Day. Bring in your recyclable and reusable goods, pick up free compost or a new garbage bins.Free hot dogs and beverages!Pick up 2 for 1 passes to the Black Creek Pioneer Village!Saturday, April 6, 201310:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.Black Creek Pioneer Village,1000 Murray Ross Pkway.(east of Jane St., o� Steeles Ave.)Visit for more details.Products Available - Fees may applyBackyard ComposterGreen BinKitchen ContainerPick up for FREELeaf Compost (limit one cubic metre per household)Green Bins and Kitchen Containers- Bring damaged bins for exchange- Get new bins, bring proof of residence in the last 90 daysDonate to schools for reuseArt supplies (e.g. pencils, markers, crayons, etc.)Buttons, keys, and collectors’ coins and stampsCDs and casesChildren’s books, clipboards, corkboardsCostume jewellery including broken/old watches,dress-up clothingFabric pieces and yarn35 mm cameras and equipmentDonate to Goodwill for reuseSporting goods (e.g. skates, hockey equipment,bikes, rackets, etc.)Books (excluding school/university curriculum books)Medical equipment in good condition(e.g. eyeglasses, walking aids, hearing aids, etc.)Small household items (e.g. dishes, ornaments,kitchen utensils, artistic drawings, games, etc.)Textiles in good condition (e.g. clothing, linens, etc.)Non-perishable foods will be donated to a food bank