Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day

31 Division Police Station, 40 Norfinch Drive

On Saturday, May 11, 2013 – from 10:00am-3:00pm - Toronto Public Health and the Toronto Police Service are co-hosting the city's first Prescription Drug Drop-off Day.  The public can anonymously drop off any unused or expired medication (e.g., prescription, over-the-counter) to one of five locations in Toronto: 

  • ·         Sherway Gardens, 25 The West Mall
  • ·         31 Division Police Station, 40 Norfinch Drive
  • ·         43 Division Police Station, 4331 Lawrence Ave. East
  • ·         Loblaws, 396 St. Clair Ave. West
  • ·         Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen Street West

 Holding on to medications increases the risk of accidents by children and recreational misuse by youth.  Flushing drugs down the toilet or throwing them loose in the garbage can damage the environment. Please dispose of your medications safely.  Learn more about this event at

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