Number of employers creating youth jobs triples through City’s Partnership to Advance Youth Employment

paye%20logo%202015Mayor John Tory announced  that the City of Toronto’s Partnership to Advance Youth Employment (PAYE) program has already far exceeded the goals established earlier this year.In March 2015, Mayor Tory announced a desired goal of 80 employers and 300 young people connected to jobs as part of the PAYE program by the end of 2015. At that time, 31 employers had indicated their support of the program and 150 young people were connected with jobs. To date, 129 employers are involved in the program, with 801 young people being hired this year.The PAYE program is a joint initiative between private sector employers and the City of Toronto that is successfully connecting youth 18 to 29 years of age from diverse neighbourhoods to job opportunities with some of the city's top employers. At PAYE, unemployed youth are provided with individual guidance and coaching, and are connected to City and community-based services and supports. Qualified candidates are screened and matched to employment opportunities and connect face-to-face with hiring employers.On March 31, City Council endorsed the expansion of the PAYE program and in May endorsed a new youth employment action plan called Work-Based Learning Works: An Action Plan for Youth Employment in Toronto. The plan builds upon a range of successful employment initiatives through a variety of City programs and partnerships.More information about the PAYE program is available at is Workforce Development Month in Toronto. More information about Workforce Development Month and the many events and services provided by Toronto Employment and Social Services is available at, or follow Twitter @TorontoESS and Facebook

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