Downsview Area Major Roads Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Public Drop-in Event - Oct 26

We invite you to attend a drop-in event to learn more about the work completed todate, the study recommendations and the next steps in this process. Details are asfollows:Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2016Time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.Location: Community Engagement Hub within Downsview Park70 Canuck Ave., Suite 102OverviewThe City of Toronto is approaching completion of a Municipal Class EnvironmentalAssessment (Class EA) study to re�ne the design of the new roads previously approvedin the Downsview Secondary Plan Area. These new roads include the following:• 2.3 km long northerly extension of Transit Road to provide a connection toChesswood Drive and Sheppard Avenue West• 1.2 km long westerly extension of Transit Road across Sheppard Avenue West toKeele Street• 2.6 km perimeter road running south from the future Transit RoadThe recommended alignments have been re�ned to maximize the potential for parks,boulevards, developments and employment opportunities. The recommendedtransportation network design applies a multi-modal approach including connectedmulti-use trails (e.g. for cycling), wide sidewalks and 1-2 traf�c lanes in each directionon the roadway. The network plan generally follows what was previously presented atthe public open house in May 2010 for the Downsview Area Secondary Plan.We would like to hear from youPublic consultation is an important part of this study. If you would like moreinformation, please contact:Jason DicemanPublic Consultation CoordinatorCity of Toronto Metro Hall, 19th Fl.55 John St. Toronto, ON M5V 3C6Tel: 416- 338-2830 Fax: 416-392-2974Email: [email protected]:

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