Promoting Responsible Pet Owners
Published by: CPHA – Canadian Public Health AssociationThe biggest source of animal waste is farm animals but in cities and towns,dogs and cats are major contributors.WHY YOU NEED TO SCOOP THE POOPWhen untreated waste (in other words, “poop”) ends up in rivers, streamsand lakes, bacteria can pollute beaches and threaten plants, fish, wildlifeand people.■ The viruses, bacteria and parasites found in dog poop can cause disease.Children and other dogs are particularly susceptible to the diseasestransmitted by dog poop.■ See “Human Diseases Transmitted by Dog Poop” published by■ Pet poop that is left in yards, fields, parks and on sidewalks eventually endsup in rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. It is carried there by springrun-off and heavy rainfalls, either directly or via storm sewers. Recentstudies in the United States traced 20% to 30% of the bacteria in watersamples from urban watersheds to dog waste.■ Dog waste is high in nitrogen and phosphorus, which promote weed andalgae growth in lakes, ponds, and streams. This limits the sunlight availableto aquatic plants, which in turn reduces the oxygen in the water that isneeded by fish and other organisms.WHAT’S THE SOLUTION?Pick up after your dog and cat Please! Your neighbors and communityThank you!