Young Inventors Initiative March Break Camp for high school students (aged 16-18) living in the Black Creek Community

The Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on Africa and its Diasporas in collaboration with Tech Spark presents the Young Inventors Initiative a new March Break camp for high school students (aged 16-18) living in the Black Creek Community.Through innovative activities and programs students will,1. Spend mornings delving into the rich histories of African inventors and afternoons creating their own digital inventions.2. Learn computing design and development technology.3. Grasp business and technology concepts in preparation for employment, entrepreneurship and higher learning opportunities within York.Students will receive,-Lunch-TTC tokens-$100 honorarium upon full completion of the five day campThe camp is free (a $50 refundable deposit is required upon acceptance). The program will be held at the Harriet Tubman Institute, York University. The digital expertise will be provided by Tech Spark.STUDENTS MUST REGISTER. SPACES ARE LIMITED. STUDENTS WHO SUBMIT THE STRONGEST APPLICATION WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THEIR ACCEPTANCE.THE DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 28.To apply: www.techspark.caContact:Denise ChallengerCoordinator, Harriet Tubman Institute321 York Lanes, York University4700 Keele Street, Toronto ONM3J 1P3416-736-2100 x33058

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