City Update: Local Swimming Pools

Swimming is a great way to cool off, have fun, and stay active for the rest of the summer.
- Please stay home if you are sick.
- Bring your own goggles, water bottles, towels, and flotation devices.
- Sign in on arrival to help with contact tracing efforts.
- Wear a cloth mask or face covering when you can’t maintain physical distance while changing or in enclosed areas. Masks are not required while swimming in the pool.
- Keep two metres (six feet) apart from others not in your social bubble.
Please plan to attend when the pool is less busy.
- Pool capacity is limited to 25 per cent to maintain physical distancing regulations.
- Swimming is limited to 45 minutes to allow for cleaning.
- Wash your hands frequently to avoid touching your face with unwashed hands
Click here to find your nearest location and read the guidelines for operating recreational water facilities. Click here to download the Have Fun and Stay Safe at the Swimming Pool infographic .