Description: Zoning By-law Amendment (22 140023 WET 07 OZ) and Site Plan Control (22 140022 WET 07 SA) applications to facilitate an infill development. The applicant proposes three new towers, measuring 35-storeys, 45-storeys, and 45-storeys. All three buildings sit above an eight-storey podium. The proposed development, includes 1,621 new dwelling units, and a gross floor area of 109,193 square metres resulting in a density of 2.64 floor space index. The proposal would contain a total of 722 Parking spaces located within an underground garage. The three existing buildings on the subject site - two apartment buildings, measuring 14 storeys and 17 storeys and a 2-storey commercial/amenity building - are proposed to be retained.
Planner: Daniel Hahn